“To see the world, things dangerous to come to, to see
behind walls, draw closer, to find each other, and to feel. That is the purpose
of life.”
The Secret Life of Walter Mitty
There are some quotes, which the more you think about it, the more it affects the core of your life. They shake
the very outlook you have on this world. They demand you to change your life
forever. This, for me, was such a quote. And it’s from an awesome movie which is so
close to my heart.
I always wanted to write a blog. It’s the laziness that has
formed its deep roots in my veins that prevented me. This is my first attempt at
trying to make a change, to break free. And I begin by writing about the one thing
millions have searched to find the meaning and purpose of, from the beginning of
mankind - Life.
What is the purpose of my life? I haven’t found a better answer
than the quote above. The dreams and ambitions of people vary. Some want
fame, others money. Some choose service, others business. But all these are
just means to live. You can live a rich life, a famous life, but is that the
purpose? Why do you live?
Most people I've known are too busy even to think of such a
question. People most often live about their lives in ways they are always expected
to. It doesn't mean they never give a thought to such a question. It’s just
that they have stopped caring. You study, you get a job, you earn money, you
get married, and you raise a family. That’s the norm. Why?? That’s never asked.
That’s ridiculous to ask, would say most. I find no fault in their outlooks.
People are always the product of their societies. It’s the way people have
lived over the years and the society expects you to continue living the same
way. And it is the way you’ll most likely end up living.
There are indeed, people who think different. People who
contemplate the nature of life they are living, people who want to change the
usual ways. Education and media have empowered us to think better. In your
early twenties, when you are getting matured, when you acquire knowledge that
changes your views about life, you start thinking about what you want. You come
up with all the glittering dreams of you travelling the world, meeting people.
And then, the society intervenes. It’s like a machine that checks for
imperfections. An imbalance in the system and everything comes with full force
to role things back to order. You just can’t escape it. Dreams are shattered. Maybe, it’s more like,
dreams are neglected. Compromise is the word. You abide by the choices of your ‘well-wishers’.
Now the question arises. Is that how you really want to
live? Without even realizing the very purpose you’re alive? I believe there is
only one life. Even if there’s more, we can’t just be sure. So why not dare to
live it the way we want to? Life is to excel in the way we go about living it. If
you ask me what you think is the purpose of your life, I would say that it is to
feel that sense of accomplishment you’ll have, when you finally do something you always dreamed of. It is to see, to know, to understand, and appreciate the beauty of
the world we live in. To know the people and their cultures, to live in far off
areas. To feel the love, the human connection. It is to live such a life, so that the day you die, you’ll
not regret, you’ll feel blessed to have lived it.
And I believe it is possible. I see Instagram feeds filled
with mesmerizing pics of the world, I see the lives of people who do just this.
But in this society, can you really do it? Tough, but not impossible. There are
chains tying you down to the ground. Chains that makes it impossible to fly.
Dreams, shattered, lie all around us. Hopes, neglected, surround us.
Yet, the world is calling. Life is calling. How long can you
ignore? The breaker of chains reside in every one of us. Bring him out. Dare to
break free. Attain heights. We can’t keep being slaves to the system, the
society. Let’s just change the society, give wings to dreams of future generations.
Let us be the ones who lead the way. I believe the only ones whom we are
responsible to, are our parents. And every parent wishes the good of their
child. So if we have it in us, the
courage to tell them, to make them understand, we could really give them back
what they gave us all these years. Just think about that visit to Venice with
your parents. Tempting isn't it?
Life is short, yet it is the greatest possession we have.
Think about your life, think about what you really want to achieve, and not
just what you can achieve. Society might try to keep you behind fences, but
think, do you live to prove anything to the society? It’s your life, and live
it the way you want. Break free, live a rocking life.